When I grow up.

For as long as I can remember I have had a thing for the underdogs.  The kind of people who are down on their luck and can’t seem to catch a break–where words like options or authority are just outside their reach.  It’s how I ended up at my day job. A story:  When I […]

Babies, Bellies and Boobs Oh my!

This might get me in trouble- -so hold your panties. Over the course of a year or so I have grown increasingly aware of the ever  rising number of  the infamous double  pink lines. The same pink lines that induce spontaneous peeing, lethargy, and lets not forget: the magical act of your breakfast re- appearing […]

I am 16 going on….. wait.

My birthday is on Thursday. I turn 24 years old. TWENTY-FOUR. Just looking at it in text sends shivers up me-spine. Every year I look forward to the year after when I will be……a  year more validated. Validated in my quirk-ness, in my doubts and all my absurdities. The year when I can further declare […]