The State of Florida vs.The City of Seattle

As you all know, I just returned from a hasty trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  As time would have it, a full year, almost exactly, had passed since I last visited Florida. Although the circumstances were not ideal and I was without my husband, I still managed to have a little bit of an affair with my first love, the Sunshine State. When I entered the Sea-Tac airport Wednesday morning, it was a balmy 54 degrees outside and I remember saying out loud, Gosh the weather is fantastic today! I could probably even wear a sweater and be comfortable. Now allow me to scoff — just a little, HA! HA! HA! exactly 7 hrs and 41 minutes later I entered a more serene–even soothing environment, West Palm Beach, Florida. It started out innocent enough, the warm breeze tickled my cheek. Gosh I had forgotten what warmth even felt like! It was not even a day earlier that I had practically swooned over Seattle’s willingness to let the sun shine! Here I was encompassed in the heat– and at night of all times!  The instinctual urge to strip came over me suddenly; I needed be light, free, skimpy 😉 (peanut butter anyone?)  If I were to go outside at six o’clock in Seattle.. you better believe I would have a cami, a t-shirt, wool sweater AND my winter coat on. Such freedom in Florida, such uninhibited, free spirited freedom. I remember walking to the hospital after we parked the car, and nearly closing my eyes as I felt my entire body shudder in a deep exhalation of the all-encompassing warmth! I missed thee! It was wonderful, I was wearing shorts and sandals at 9 AM people! and it was not just warm– no no it was HOT! This morning I was outside around 9 am as well, and it was– wait for it– 38 degrees outside. Now, go cry for me Argentina. Sadly, this is most likely the most summer I will feel this entire year in lukewarm, mild weathered Seattle.

Later that week my sister Tanya and I made our way over to the nearby mall because I thought I had lost my favorite MAC shadows at my Aunt’s condo. Well one thing led to another and before you knew it, we had wasted nearly two hours getting sidetracked, catching up and just being sisters, it was wonderful getting to hang out with her and I really missed  that– when/if I go shopping in Seattle– at all– I always go it alone! which brings me to my next case in point. As we were exiting the mall and making our way to the car, I heard an awkward yelp maybe (?), something that caused myself to dive head first into fight or flight mode.

Let me explain myself (again), where I work, on the edge of Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle, homeless and the mental loons alike frequent the sidewalks of our building. I have been known to step inside of the nearest restaraunt to avoid a pointless confrontation with the cracked out, screamer who is sure you stole his duck/sister/vodka lastweek from right under his/her nose. And oh there are so many of them. Before, when I first moved here, I used to freeze up, thinking they could sense fear like a dog or a bee maybe, I made like a statue. I have since wised up and have decided to flee the scene all together. And I know them when I see them, they usually have some sort of war cry— much like the awkward yelp I heard in the free parking lot in Fort Lauderdale. So let’s go back, I heard the yelp and I tensed up, preparing to abandon ship and take Ella (my two year old niece) over my shoulder and book when I looked over my shoulder and what did I see? a child and his mother, not the mental loon–  the world was  just as it should be. Let’s pause for a moment, and let out our own mental sigh.

Of course Florida does have its own issues that I am well aware of (I did live there for ten years), but being there even for that short amount of time opened a book that I was sure I had thrown away. All of a sudden I can’t stop thinking about the sun, the free parking lots, the plaza with everything you need in it, and the babies the only screamers I ever want to hear again.

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